Thursday, July 23, 2009

Spaghetti & Cheese


Kali ni kita tengok apa yang Mr. Hubby buat kat umah bila Danie tak der... hik... hik.... rupa nyer masa Danie tak der ini yang Mr. Hubby masak....Bila Danie preview dlm kamera nampak la gambar ni ... apa lagi Danie upload la... Danie pun tak sempat berborak dgn hubby lagi nih... dah seminggu outstation... Danie pun tak tahu apa nama masakan ini... tu yang Danie letak nama Spaghetti & Cheese...dah masak guna spaghetti & cheese, letak jelah nama tu... he...he... Kesian hubby makan ni jer.... apa pun ada la jugak usaha nak masak... Nampak macam mengancam jugak nih... terancam pulak rasa nyer... tahniah la Mr. Hubby.... nanti Danie mintak dia bagi komen kat blog ni ek... Adios!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sebenarnya resipi nih dipanggil Baked Spaghetti. Biasanya orang buat guna Macaroni tapi sebab tak jumpa lak macaroni yang beli haritu, guna je la spaghetti & fusilli yg ada lebih tu. Sbb malas nak tunggu daging thaw, jadi tak masukkan la daging dalam resipi nih.

    Baked Spaghetti (or any pasta)
    200 gm pasta (your prefered)
    100 gm Liggo's Baked Pasta sauce
    grated mozarella cheese
    1 (or 2) slice of cheddar cheese
    a pinch of salt
    a tablespooon of oil
    50gm minced meat

    boil pasta till soft with salt & oil

    fry minced meat with some oil till the meat is half cooked. Pour in the Liggo's Baked Pasta sauce into the meat and stir till it simmer. Put pasta in a casserole or baking pan and pour the sauce onto the pasta and mix thoroughly. Slice the cheddar cheese and put it on top. Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese sparingly on top and bake at 190C for 20 minutes.

    Serves 4. Best served when it's hot.
